You can continue to financially support the ministry of Jesus through His church, whether you are comfortable coming in person or prefer to worship online. Our church is having a national and global impact as never before!
- At the end of December 2022, we were just short of our budget requirements. However, we anticipate a slight excess of income over expenses. We are still waiting for final invoices to arrive for December (heat, electricity) so adjusting entries still need to be made. More details will be available shortly.
- Thank you to all who so generously and faithfully support our ministries, especially those who gave a little something extra to get us to through 2022.
- We appreciate your ongoing support into 2023.
Thank you for your continued generosity!
- Give NOW with credit/debit/PayPal (click "DONATE" below)
- You can give through e-transfer (, no password required)
- You can sign up for automatic withdrawal.
- You can mail in cheques.
- You can drop cheques through the mail slot in the Steeple/Tower/5th Avenue Door.
- You can still use the debit machine: gloves and disinfectant will be available.
- In person, you can bring your offering to our Sunday services.
If you have difficulty figuring anything out, call or email the church and we will help: 403-327-2082 or
- We know some of us are going through difficult financial times: we don't want to add to your stress.
- Those of us who have stable incomes may be able to give more generously to bless others. If you do have a stable income, would you consider increasing your giving (even temporarily)?
- Many of us won't be spending money on travel, vacations, eating out, etc. for a while: could we make some that money available to help out?
- All donations will receive an income tax receipt at year end
Thank you.