Fall Youth Package

Hi youth,

We hope you had a great summer and are excited about the fall! Below you will find some important information about youth this fall, so please read carefully 😊

Youth Kick-Off Event

At the beginning of the summer, we shared that the youth kick-off would be on September 13, but that has now changed. Instead, we will be joining other youth groups in a city-wide kickoff event. It is on Friday September 15 from 6:00-9:00pm at Legacy Park. Pick-up and drop-off are at Legacy Park (we are not at First B at all that evening). See the attached poster for more details.

Youth Calendar

Here is this month’s youth calendar. We send these out each month, and it contains all the information you need to know in terms of our lessons, events, announcements, deadlines, etc.


On September 17 we are having a church baptism service, and we currently have 4 youth wanting to take part. If you would like to be baptized, or learn more about it, please reach out to Kyle.

New this Year

We are excited about the following new things this year:

  • We are welcoming 2 new youth leaders to our team: Hailey Thompson and Serena Van Gaalen
  • Hailey will be helping us get musical worship going on some Wednesday nights. We are hoping to get youth involved with this as well.
  • On the last Wednesday of each month we will not be having a regular lesson, but instead having a bigger/longer youth event.
  • We are trying out a new senior high study on Sunday nights (details in the youth calendar)
  • We will be inviting youth to help the leaders decide what devos, events, and service projects we do. More information coming soon.
  • We have a new and improved “impossible shot” contest, and a new monthly prize draw!

Looking forward to a great year ahead!