
Welcome to First Baptist Church, Lethbridge.

Whether you’re new to church or have been part of one in the past, we’re glad you found us! We know that the majority of people don’t attend church, so we’re committed to being a church that all people love.

We are a community of people who love Jesus and seek to live out our faith in Him authentically in our lives.

For us, church is all about Jesus.  To that end, we try to be real people who really love Jesus, and who honestly wrestle with what it means to follow Him in our daily lives.  We are not perfect people.  But we are - I hope - genuine people.  We encourage one another.   We pray for one another.  We care for one another.  We build up one another.   We love one another.  We serve one another.  Together, as a community, we help one another to live authentic God-honouring lives.

We also want to serve Jesus in our community, locally and globally.  We want people to hear about Jesus through our words.  And experience the love of Jesus through our ministries of hope, compassion, mercy, and justice.

We welcome you to join us on the journey of following Jesus' Way.

Ask your questions, dig in and get connected. We're excited to have you with us.

We welcome you to our worship services.  Our services (@ 9:30 and 11 (July/August @ 10)) are great entry points into the life of our community.  Together we bring our praise to God, through the best of contemporary and traditional music.  Together we pray .  And together we hear from God, through His Word and through biblically-based sermons.  You are welcome to join us in-person (so we can get to know one another) or online, through livestreams (but then we miss the personal connection).

We welcome you to our small groups and activities.  We have a variety of small groups and activities, some of which meet in-person and some meet online (using Zoom).  Small groups are a fantastic way to make genuine, personal connections.  To be cared for and to care for others.

We welcome you to grow through daily Bible readings, devotionals and prayers written by our pastors, that complement our sermons (sign up at the bottom of the page).  Every day, be encouraged to read Scripture, apply it to your life, and live it out in a relevant, personal way.

We welcome kids and youth to our children's and youth ministries.

We also welcome you to join us as we live out our faith in our City and in the world.  Jesus is our wonderful Saviour, in whom we believe.  But Jesus is also our risen Lord, whom we follow into the community, to serve as He serves.  We are actively involved in the Soup Kitchen, in the Food Banks, in the Shelters, the Correctional Centre, and other ministries in our community.  Regionally we work with other churches to support Mill Creek Camp.  Globally we are sponsoring refugees, and partner with churches and mission staff in Cuba, Rwanda, Bolivia, and Guatemala.

We would love to help you grow closer to Jesus, AND live out your faith with us.  How can we help you?