Parent Policy Information
Your Child’s Safety is important to us!
You will be asked to do the following for all children attending in Kids Kingdom.
- Fill out a Permission to Participate Form (yearly)
- Sign your child in on the attendance sheet (weekly)
- Present your parent claim tag at pick up (weekly)
We ask all parents or caregivers to please sign all children into the “Kid’s Kingdom Desk”. After sign in we will give you a parent claim tag. To protect you and your children, only an authorized person, with the claim tag, can pick up a child from our Children’s area.
For security reasons, and to avoid congestion, we ask that as much as possible only one parent drop off and pick up your child from the children’s area.
Please pick up your children promptly following the service so that our volunteers can be free to be with their families.
Just in case….
If your child becomes upset or unsettled, we will send one of our volunteers to find you in the service and bring you down to your child.
In case of fire or other major emergency
Kids’ Kingdom Desk personnel, with the help of the staff, will escort your child outside to the West Wing Parking Lot. When you are evacuated from the sanctuary you may pick up your children in the West Wing Parking Lot.