Sunday services are great first steps to learning more about Jesus and experiencing what it’s like to belong to a church family. We invite you to join us and become part of a movement of people who love God, one another, and our neighbours as we grow closer to God and follow Him day by day.
In our services, we worship God with a wonderful variety of styles, emphasizing the content of our music, prayer, and worship rather than a particular style or format.
Sunday services are @ 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Province of Alberta health orders for places of worship limit our capacity to 160 per service (1/3 fire code occupancy). Masks are mandatory. Physical distancing should be maintained between households as much as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.
9:30 a.m.
At 9:30 we have a worship service. This is identical in content to the 11:00 service, but has a quieter, more reflective feel .
At 9:30 most children and youth are in educational programs (Sunday School). Adult classes and studies are available, too. There is a staffed nursery for infants.
11:00 a.m.
At 11:00 we have a worship service, identical in content to the 9:30 service, but children and youth worship with their families. The service has a more energetic tone. There is a self-serve nursery for infants.
Part way through the service, we have a children’s moment when younger children (grade 1 and under) are given the opportunity to participate in a separate “Young Worshippers” program from 11:30-12:00.
Older children (over grade 1) are encouraged to learn to worship with their families. Pizza boxes (with crafts and activities) are available to help kids, grades 2-5. These are available in the Fireside Room. We want to encourage older children to participate in and be blessed by our worship services.
Because COVID-19 is still a reality in our community, please also:
- Continue to respect social distancing indoors wherever possible.
- If, in the past 14 days you have had any of the following symptoms – fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing – please stay home and worship online.
- If you have been in contact with a person with Covid-19, please stay home and worship online.
- If you have been tested for Covid and are awaiting test results, please stay home and worship online.
From The Public Health Agency of Canada “Vaccinated Against COVID-19? What does it mean to me?” (June 25, 2021)
- Indoors with people from multiple households who are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, or their vaccination status is unknown e.g. places of worship:
- IF YOU ARE NOT VACCINATED OR PARTIALLY VACCINATED – Wear a mask and maintain physical distancing.
- IF YOU ARE FULLY VACCINATED (two weeks after second dose) – If you are at risk of more severe disease or outcomes, consider wearing a mask and maintain physical distancing
Summer Sunday Services are at 10:00 a.m.
Children and youth worship with their families. Part way though the service, younger children (grade 1 and under) are given the opportunity to participate in a separate “Young Worshipers” program from 10:30-11:00.
Older children (over grade 1) are encouraged to learn to worship with their families. Pizza boxes (with crafts, snacks, and activities) are available to help kids grads 2-4. Special kids’ sermon notes are available to assists older kids (grades 5-6) focus through the sermon time. We want to encourage older children to participate in and be blessed by our worship services.