From Cuba to Canada to Zambia, ministry around the world continues on, even during COVID-19!
Check out these videos to discover the challenges and surprising shifts that are taking place in God’s work around the world and in Lethbridge!
- Lisa Ratzlaff shares a “day in the life” of her work in Zambia. Lisa is a member of SIM and works at a girls’ school as the chaplain.
- Marilyn and Paul, refugees we are sponsoring at First B, speak with Faye and Mark! They share a bit of their story, as well as their current life in Malaysia.
- Tim & Kallie Hutton in Bolivia. Tim & Kallie are global field staff with Canadian Baptist Ministries. They give an update on life in Bolivia which includes . . . beekeeping??
- Dennis Shierman from Canadian Baptist Ministries. Dennis, our Western Region Rep from CBM, shares the current work of CBM, especially in the area of food security.
- jamani duo. Matt and Jodi Groenheide share about jamani duo and their recently released album.
- Days for Girls. Sharon Loewen shares what the local chapter has been doing prior to and during COVID. She also share the necessity of menstrual health and education around the world.
- Blankenstyn family news! The Blankenstyns share their upcoming movie to Kenya! Find out why they are going and what they are looking forward to!
- Lenten Prayer Wednesdays. Marv and Troy share the purpose behind these weekly prayer meetings. Troy also shares how to pray for discernment.
- Bruno and Kathleen Soucy in Guatemala. Bruno and Kathleen are reps in Latin American and the Caribbean that First B supports through Canadian Baptist Ministries.
- Zambia. Mark talks to Lisa Ratzlaff about her work in Zambia with SIM.
- Mill Creek Camp. Mill Creek director Steffi Reynolds shares experiences from the summer as well as “what’s next” for camp!
- Lethbridge Correctional Centre. Chaplain Anna shares the challenges of COVID-19 in life and in chaplaincy, as well as the surprising ways where God is at work.
- Kathie Anderson. COVID-19 has been very limiting and restrictive for some. For others it has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for connection and community! Kathie shares her story.
- First B Summer Staff. What’s a summer intern do? Emily, Hannah, and Kat share their summer experiences working for First B.
- Cuba. Mark talks to Colleen and Adrian about the Cuban church, Canadian Baptist Ministries partnerships in Cuba, and the realities of life in Cuba during a COVID-19 crisis.
- Canadian Baptist of Western Canada. Mark speaks with Faye Reynolds, Director of Ministry for the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada (First B’s denomination!).
- Bible Study classes at First B. Mark interviews Gord and Marv about their Sunday morning adult classes. They share how God is at work in their class, and reasons you should adult classes a try!
- Art Class at First B. Mark talks to Julie and Kathy about the First B Art Class and how it has adapted in the age of social distancing.
- Angela Roman on life and ministry. Angela shares the challenges of family and children’s ministry during COVID-19, as well as exciting new opportunities for family and ministry at this time.