
First Baptist Church acknowledges we gather, worship, and serve on lands traditionally occupied by Siksikaitsitapi, the Blackfoot Confederacy.  We also recognize the City of Lethbridge is home to the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.

Sunday, July 26

Getting Started

CLICK HERE and all videos will flow as a playlist

OR, you can select individual links on this page: songs, prayer/scripture, more songs, sermon

We also have great children's/family and youth resources below the service

Lyrics for the songs are here


Call to Worship

Opening Worship

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Matt)

Who You Say I Am (Anne & Matt)

Way Maker (Puchi Colón)

Offering Prayer (Bruce)

Kids & Prayer

He Will Hold Me Fast (Selah)

Kids' Moment (Mark)

Prayer (Kyle)

The God of Abraham Praise (Music Ministry)

Closing & Benediction

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Sharon, Craig, Kara (photo))

Benediction (Bruce)


Help Us Improve

Are there ways we can improve for next Sunday?  Special requests?  Creative ideas?  Want to help out?

Email or call 403-327-2082


Prayer with the Pastor (Sundays @ 9 am).  A time to pray, share, and encourage one another.

Your staff would love to pray for you.  Please feel free to call 403-327-2082 or email 

Worship Music Videos

Are you missing some of your favourite First B musicians' videos?  We have gathered all our homegrown First B worship music on one page.  Check it out!  Please encourage our musicians today, too!

Tithes & Offering

Thank you for your faithful generosity.  Though we are NOT gathering Sundays, we are having global impact.  We still have bills to pay and staff to care for.  We can help people in need more than ever.  Stewardship Update

  • Give NOW with credit/debit/PayPal (click "DONATE" below)
  • E-transfer to (no password required)
  • Sign up for automatic withdrawal
  • Drop a cheque in the Steeple Door mail slot
  • Mail in your cheque

Questions? Call 403-327-2082 or email

Kids' Kingdom

Angela has prepared AWESOME resources for kids and families for this week!

Click Here

For the "Tip of the Week," previous weeks and other resources, check out the Kids' Kingdom Page

YETI Youth

We're all done with Sunday school for the summer, but be sure to check out our weekly youth newsletter to keep up-to-date with all the awesome youth stuff we're doing this summer!